Installing these modules, are essential for servers that require a MySQL server to store data.
There are two ways of doing it, and it really depends on where you host your server.
Use the guide below if you host your server with our hosting.
Enter the control panel, and locate the servers.
Enter the mod manager for the server you want to connect.
Search for Tmysql or Mysqloo, and click install. Libmysql is included.
That is it, its now installed.
For local installs or customers not using our service, follow below.
Libmysql: Linux version | Windows version
Download either mysqloo or tmysql from above, _linux for linux systems or _win32 for windows systems.
We also need to download something called libmysql, this also depends on what OS you are running. Download is above.
Open FTP or the file manager, FTP is probably the best.
Now into the root folder (the folder that contains bin, sourcengine, garrysmod etc.) we need to place the libmysql file here. Do not change the name of what the zip contains.
Now you need to enter the garrysmod folder, then your lua folder and at last you need to either enter the bin folder or create it.
Into this folder, upload the file called gmsv_mysqloo_****.dll file, and you are done.