Upgrades Status: In behandeling
Prioriteit - Hoog Beïnvloeden Server - Ashburn

Start Time: 2:00 P.M EST End Time: 4:00 P.M EST


To enhance the performance of our services and provide you with a more robust experience, we are upgrading the CPUs on one of our nodes (Master) on Monday. This upgrade is designed to significantly improve server responsiveness and processing speeds.

Please be aware that this maintenance will affect some VPS clients; other servers will remain unaffected. Your services will be temporarily unavailable during the upgrade period. However, you might be able to reconnect shortly after the downtime begins, depending on how quickly we can complete the upgrades for server. While we aim for a shorter maintenance window, we have scheduled additional time to handle any unforeseen complications. During the maintenance period, please avoid opening support tickets related to connectivity issues.

We will notify you as soon as the maintenance is complete. We are committed to completing this upgrade as swiftly as possible to minimize any inconvenience. We apologize for any disruption this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

This CPU upgrade is crucial for enhancing the overall reliability and performance of our services, ensuring smoother and faster operations in the future.